Thursday, November 17, 2011

Occupy Providence and a few thoughts about leadership and coming in out of the cold.

Occupy Providence by chloe & ivan
Occupy Providence, a photo by chloe & ivan on Flickr.
Our people have done well.
Our city has handled this well.
Our police have shown restraint and have been helpful.
The messages are getting out and people are thinking.

I stayed for a GA the other night, a general assembly.
There are problems in the park with campers who do not share the same ideals.

A proposal was put forth about circling the wagons, or the arrangements of the tents, for safety.
Some people felt that the proposal was divisive in language, and excluded some of the campers.
At the end of the meeting, the proposal did not pass, and some of the people from the safety group said they were going to leave.  It was very emotional. 
There have been problems that the safety working group have had to call rescue.
There have been problems in the camp that have nothing to so with the protest.
There have been drug and health and mental health related situations.
There have been encounters with people who have documented offensive backgrounds.
No revolution has ever been a tidy legislated change.
The first sketches can look rough and messy.
I think that in the end, it is inspired leadership that turns the tide.
I do not know why the idea of no leadership is so strong.  In looking for examples of brave women leaders and revolutionaries, I came upon the news of the recent death of Laura Pollen, leader of the Women in White protesting unjust arrests in Cuba.  The world has lost a conscientious and committed leader.
 These ladies also hold to the idea of no hierarchy within their group, like our occupiers. 
This is puzzling to me, when her leadership was so apparent. 
Our Occupiers have made a community and created a network of communication and comraderie.
That community can be better sustained inside during the Winter.  Group actions are not dependent on freezing in the night, being assaulted by the nieghbors in the park, and being misunderstood by many of the working people they are raising issues for.
Get inside.  Winter is coming.
Much love, Chloe C.

An update:  Feb 9, 2012
I was reading this today, and think I am understanding more about the idea of "leaderless" and why they want it so.
btw, our Occupiers are inside now. 

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