Thursday, October 27, 2011

Post-Wedding Week

Whew!  It was a perfect day in Plymouth for my son's wedding, Oct 22, 2011.
Jon and Melanie have been newlyweds for 5 days now.

I still don't have everything  put away from preparing food for the reception dinner.
My kitchen will probably be back in order in time for Thanksgiving. Maybe. Hopefully ; )

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lucky Bug

Did you ever wake up and look out the window
and there is a giant green lucky bug sitting on the balcony?
I did this morning.
It was not quite 3 little birdies on my doorstep, but still pretty good.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Meanwhile, outside in our city

It's on.
But my son's wedding is the priority this week.
Here is a pic of the sculpture when it is not being used
as a flagpole or a bulletin board
I love this sculpture.
This is a monumental tribute to a mediocre General.
A lot of people liked him, but he was not a good General.
General Burnside was also Governor of Rhode Island,
and built a very original house on Benefit Street.
Have to go get a picture.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wedding Week

My oldest son is getting married next week, in Brewster Gardens at Plymouth Harbor in Massachusetts.
The Captain of the boat that found the wreck of the Titanic is marrying them.
I am cooking.  My oldest daughter is cooking. My middle daughter is cooking.
That is a lot of cooking.
Here is a sweet dress for diversion.
She would rather play than try on dresses.
The Ralph Lauren behind her will not look the same
on Grandma as it looks on the Tommy Hilfiger mannequin.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Finally made a new blog.
The last one disappeared.
It must be out there somewhere.

First thing to do was pick an overly long name that is hard to enter.
Don't know why, but this (whatever this is)
has been named Everlasting Kimono for a long time.

Here is a lucky kitty to make your day.
Maneki Neko